Millon Test

Millon test is chemical test to detect the presence of Tyrosine.

Base Theory
Millon test is given by any compound containing a phenolic hydroxy group. Consequently, any protein containing tyrosine will give a positive test of a pink to dark-red colour. The Millon reagent is a solution of mercuric and mercurous ions in nitric and nitrous acids (CAUTION: MILLON REAGENT IS HIGHLY TOXIC AND HIGHLY CORROSIVE). The red colour is probably due to a mercury salt of nitrated tyrosine.

Place 1 mL of casein, 2% egg albumin, and 0.1 M tyrosine into separate, labelled, 12 x 75 mm test tubes. Add 3 drops of Millon’s reagent and immerse the tubes in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes. Cool the tubes and record the colours formed.

Positive result of Millon Test


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